Key findings:
My project leveraged the Cleveland and VA Long Beach datasets, in the “Heart Disease” database, which was donated to the UCI Machine Learning Repository to explore the binary classification of heart disease presence, using the available demographic and clinical features. Through exploratory data analysis (EDA), data cleaning, transformation experiments, and model evaluation, several critical insights emerged. Transformation 2, which included logarithmic transformations for skewed features, a squared transformation for maximum heart rate, and the creation of a combined feature (old peak and slope), was identified as the most effective preprocessing strategy. This approach enhanced feature stability and predictive accuracy on the Cleveland dataset and was subsequently applied to the VA Long Beach dataset to assess regional generalizability.
The Random Forest Classifier for Transformation 2 consistently outperformed other models in terms of prediction accuracy and robustness across multiple train-test splits. On the Cleveland dataset, the Random Forest Classifier achieved an accuracy of 83.33%, with balanced precision (85.56%) and recall (83.33%), supported by consistent cross-validation performance. Applied to the VA Long Beach dataset, the unoptimized Random Forest Classifier demonstrated a performance with an accuracy of 82.5%, precision of 80%, and recall of 40% for the minority class. Unlike its optimized counterpart, this configuration effectively mitigated the neglect of minority class predictions, striking a better balance between the classes.
While the Random Forest Classifier outperformed the ASCVD risk score on average across both datasets, achieving higher accuracy and F1 scores, it did not resolve variability in female subgroup predictions. On the Cleveland dataset, the ASCVD score achieved an AUC-ROC of 78.08% for females compared to 68.87% for males, and the Random Forest model exhibited similar imbalances. Female recall for the ASCVD was higher (88.89%) but precision was considerably lower (48.88%), resulting in a less balanced F1 score (62.87%) compared to males (72.73%). On the VA Long Beach dataset, the ASCVD score achieved strong recall (93.75%) but limited discriminatory power, with an AUC-ROC of 60.98%. The lack of sufficient female representation in the VA Long Beach dataset precluded any sex-specific analysis, underscoring the importance of diverse and balanced datasets.
Gender-based analysis on the Cleveland dataset revealed clear disparities in machine learning model performance with the Random Forest Classifier. While the model achieved high overall accuracy and precision; the model demonstrated considerably lower recall for female patients with heart disease (0.67). This variability indicates that the model, while improving overall performance compared to the ASCVD score, did not effectively address gender-specific prediction inconsistencies. Features such as Oldpeak and slope emerged as strong indicators of heart disease presence, whereas weaker relationships were observed for cholesterol and fasting blood sugar, suggesting limited predictive value for these variables within these datasets.
In conclusion, the Random Forest Classifier demonstrated superior average performance compared to the ASCVD risk score but fell short of addressing variability in female subgroup predictions. These findings highlight the importance of future work to explore gender-specific adjustments and strategies for achieving equitable performance across demographic groups, while also emphasizing the need for diverse datasets to enhance generalizability.
Regional generalizability
VA Long Beach models with optimized parameters highlight a few possible implications. Parameter optimization of the Random Forest Classifier, while improving the overall accuracy, had significant drawbacks when applied to a dataset with an imbalanced class distribution. The optimized model prioritized the majority class, resulting in a complete inability to predict any instances of the minority class (those with heart disease). This led to a recall of 0% for the minority class, effectively excluding it from the model’s predictions. Although overall accuracy increased, this came at the cost of fairness and utility, as the model failed to capture critical instances of the minority class. These findings highlight that, in the case of the Random Forest Classifier, parameter optimization compromised the model’s balance, favoring the majority class performance while neglecting the minority class.
The comparison between the Cleveland and VA Long Beach models without optimized parameters further highlights two possible implications: optimized parameters can overgeneralize for the majority class, or they may reduce the model’s ability to classify effectively across regions. These potential drawbacks are particularly obscured by the small number of patients in the minority class (those without heart disease) in the VA Long Beach dataset, which makes it challenging to draw definitive conclusions.
Without optimization, the Random Forest Classifier still achieved balanced performance for the minority class on the Cleveland dataset, while still maintaining reasonable performance for the VA Long Beach dataset. However, with optimized parameters, the VA Long Beach model completely failed to predict any instances of the minority class, suggesting that the optimization may have tailored the model too closely to the majority class, resulting in overgeneralization.
These outcomes suggest that the small sample size of the minority class amplifies the difficulty in determining whether the reduced performance is due to overgeneralization for the majority class or a lack of adaptability across regions. This underscores the importance of balancing datasets and carefully evaluating the impact of optimization on both regional performance and minority class predictions.
Sex-specific performance summary
The model assessing the male population achieved an accuracy of 78.05% and an F1-score of 78.31%. For class 0 (no heart disease), it recorded a precision of 68%, recall of 81%, and an F1-score of 74%. For class 1 (heart disease), the model demonstrated a higher precision of 86% but a lower recall of 76%, resulting in an F1-score of 81%. The overall weighted averages for precision, recall, and F1-score were 80%, 78%, and 78%, respectively, reflecting moderately balanced performance on the male population. In contrast, the model applied to the female population exhibited higher overall accuracy (94.74%) and F1-score (94%). The precision for class 0 was higher (94% compared to 67% in the male model), the recall for class 0 was significantly higher as well at 100%, surpassing the male model’s recall of 81%. For class 1, the female model achieved perfect precision (100%) but a lower recall of 67%, compared to the male model’s recall of 76%.
These results highlight distinct performance differences between the male and female subpopulations. The model demonstrated better overall accuracy and precision for the female population, but its ability to detect heart disease cases (class 1) was slightly lower in recall compared to the male population. Conversely, the male model exhibited a more balanced trade-off between precision and recall for class 1 but at the cost of a higher false positive rate. These findings underscore the need for additional tuning to ensure the model performs consistently across gender-specific groups, avoiding potential biases in prediction outcomes.
Data limitations
Due to the limitations of the Cleveland data, with the male test set comprising 41 samples and the female test set comprising only 19 samples, I am unable to perform cross-validation for these subsets. This restriction limits the ability to thoroughly assess model generalizability and robustness across gender-specific groups. As a result, the interpretation of the results must be approached with caution, as the insights drawn may not fully capture the broader performance trends for male and female populations.
The VA Long Beach dataset had significant limitations that must be addressed. One key issue is the severe gender imbalance, with only approximately 6 females included in the dataset. This small number makes it impossible to test the model by gender, as there are insufficient entries to draw any meaningful conclusions for female patients.
Additionally, the dataset suffers from a pronounced class imbalance, with most instances representing individuals with heart disease. This imbalance introduces challenges for the model, as there is limited data available to effectively train the minority class (individuals without heart disease). As a result, there is a strong expectation of underfitting for the minority class, where the model may fail to accurately predict or generalize for these cases.
Another critical issue is the missing data. Columns such as “ca” (99% missing values) and “thal” (83% missing values) have so few valid entries that they needed to be removed from the analysis.
To ensure a fair comparison when evaluating models, I had to create modified Cleveland models for comparison. This was done by removing the “ca” and “thal” columns, aligning the feature set with the limitations of this dataset. This approach allowed for a slightly more balanced evaluation when comparing the models trained on the Cleveland dataset to the Long Beach Models.
Lastly, The ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) Risk Calculator was applied to both the Cleveland and VA Long Beach datasets to estimate the 10-year cardiovascular risk for individual patients. However, due to missing or unavailable data, proxies were used to ensure compatibility with the ASCVD model. HDL cholesterol was assigned a placeholder value of 50, and ethnicity was uniformly set to non-Black (isBlack = False) because explicit data on this characteristic was not available. Hypertension status was derived from systolic blood pressure (SBP) values, with readings of 130 or higher classified as hypertensive. Diabetes status was inferred from fasting blood sugar (fbs), with values over 120 converted into a boolean indicator (diabetic = True). Smoking status was approximated using exercise-induced angina (exang), with the absence of angina interpreted as non-smoking status (False).
While these proxies enabled the datasets to be used for ASCVD risk estimation, they introduced approximations that deviate from the precise inputs required by the ASCVD model. Consequently, the calculated risk scores are not pure ASCVD scores, but rather adapted estimates. This reliance on proxies adds a layer of uncertainty to the analysis and necessitates cautious interpretation of the results.
Future directions
My research highlighted several areas for improvement and exploration in future research. After evaluating the datasets and outcomes, it became evident that a more effective approach might involve transitioning from binary classification to multilabel classification. Specifically, this approach could predict varying levels of heart disease severity rather than focusing solely on the binary presence or absence of the condition. This shift in focus is motivated by the observation that, aside from the Cleveland dataset, the other cities’ datasets predominantly consist of patients with some degree of heart disease. The relative scarcity of individuals without heart disease in these datasets diminishes the utility of binary classification and underscores the potential for a more nuanced multilabel approach.
Additionally, my research revealed a significant gender imbalance in the datasets, with fewer females represented compared to males. This raises critical questions about whether this disparity reflects sampling bias or is indicative of real-world clinical trends. Considering that cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death among women, it is essential to investigate why females may be underrepresented in these datasets. Future research should aim to address this imbalance, ensuring equitable representation to enhance the generalizability and fairness of predictive models.
Incorporating these changes, future studies could develop more accurate and reproducible models that account for demographic disparities and focus on the varying levels of heart disease severity. This approach would not only provide richer clinical insights but also foster more inclusive and accurate models capable of addressing the diverse needs of populations affected by cardiovascular disease.
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